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Le Plan De Semaine

Week of March 9-13th: 


Atom- Molecule- le tableau périodique [Licence plate mini project!]

*La théorie cinétique de la matière et la théorie atomique

*Marked Science test from last week go home by Friday. 

Week of Feb 24th -March 6th: 


Science Test  : Div 21 (Mon, March 2nd)- Div 20( Thur. March 5th)

Atom- Molecule- le tableau périodique [Licence plate mini project!]

*La théorie cinétique de la matière et la théorie atomique

*Study guide/block before the test.



Some Online Resources

​ [some vocabulary practice]

​ [some videos]

Week of 10-28 February: 


*Atom- Molecule- le tableau périodique [Licence plate mini project!]

*La théorie cinétique de la matière et la théorie atomique

​ [some vocabulary practice]

​ [some videos]

Le 28-31 Janvier 


In January, we'll focus on  Chemistry- Each week, you receive a handout package including the lesson, activities, (and some weeks mini lab.) 


This week: Les mélanges et les substances pures(homogène-heterogene)

                  Le Tableau Périodique (Introduction) 


Marked & sent home (by Friday) : 1st science experiment(hypothèses & observation activity) 

Le 20-24 Janvier 


In January, we'll focus on  Chemistry- Each week, you receive a bundle including the lesson, activities, (and some weeks mini lab.) 


This week: Les transformations physiques et chimiques

                  Lab: La méthode Scientifique 


Show Parents: Your research on  properties of matter[ the sheet with small boxes] - you'll receive this by Friday, 24th. 

Le 13-17 Janvier 


In January, we'll focus on  Chemistry [ this week: matter, properties of matter, and states of matter]- Each week, you receive a bundle including the lesson, activities, (and some weeks mini lab.) 


DUE by Friday this week: 

- You need to submit your mini group presentation that shows your research on the 2 property of the matter assigned to your group. 

-In class, you need to complete your properties of matter small boxes info sheet after your gallery walk.  

Bonne Année 2020! et Bienvenue!   


Le 6-10 Janvier 


In January, we'll focus on  Chemistry [ this week: matter, properties of matter, and states of matter]- You'll receive a bundle including the lesson, activities, and mini lab. 


By Friday:


You should have your note taking activity (fill in the blanks from the teacher's presentation) completed .

On the 2nd day of the week when you have SN; you'll have A min quiz on the topics we discuss in class this week. 


Week of Dec 09-20.


Evolution by natural selection provides an explanation for the diversity and survival of living things.

  • Why do living things change over time?

  • How do these changes affect biodiversity?



Activity 1: Peppered moth (Analysis of the research)- 4 page booklet

  Div 20 will finish & Submit ; Div 21 show marked assignments to parents)


Activity 2: Natural Selection Lab ( to finish in class before Dec 18th & take marked assignment home

by Dec 20th)


Week of Nov 25- Dec 06.


Evolution by natural selection provides an explanation for the diversity and survival of living things.

  • Why do living things change over time?

  • How do these changes affect biodiversity?



Activity 1) In Groups; révision, Share & note taking:  summary of

        "reference Sheet" (the notes you take from the slides in class. 

         Key Vocabulary Sheet (expressions and definitions on the topic of évolution) 

         Your Homework (2-3 paragraphs from the website/videos listed)


Activity 2) Peppered moth (Analysis of the research)- Your 4 page booklet is to be completed and submitted by Dec 6th.

Quiz #1 on evolution (Kahoot)  



Week of Nov 18-22



This week, we'll finish presentations of Habitat/Adaptation. 


Due : Day 2 of SN class; your 2-3 paragraphs summary of what you learned from

articles/videos below. 


*Theory of Evolution"; more resources below:



Success club is available if you need to borrow a computer and edit your project anytime before you present . 


Show your evaluation of the project to parents/Guardians- get signature & return them before Nov8.

Week of Nov 4-8. & Wks of 12-15



This week, we'll have all presentations of Habitat/Adaptation. 


*start learning about "theory of Evolution"; more resources below:



Success club is available if you need to borrow a computer and edit your project anytime before you present . 


Show your evaluation of the project to parents/Guardians- get signature & return them before Nov8.

Week of Oct 28-Nov 1



Everyone will present their project of Habitat/Adaptation Oct 28-31.


"Les adaptations physiques et comportementales"- Here's the link to the video we discussed in the class .


Success club is available if you need to borrow a computer and edit your project anytime before you present . 


Show your evaluation of the project to parents/Guardians- get signature & return them before Nov1.

Week of Oct 21-24 (Friday 25th is Pro-D)


You need to submit your project of "Habitat" (via email/office 365/show your research notes to Mme )by Sunday, Oct 20th. 


Due on Thursday Oct 24th, : Completed at least2 parts of Le projet de Habitat;  BOTH your research guideline (written part) and your presentation. 


Everyone will present their project Oct 28-31.


This week , in class, we'll continue learning about   "Les adaptations physiques et comportementales"- and you'll get class time to work on your project.


Success club is available if you need to borrow a computer and work on your project. 

Week of Oct 14-18th:


Due on Friday, Oct 18th: Le projet de Habitat; étapes 1 & 2 BOTH your research guideline (written part) and your presentation.


This week , in class, we'll focus on  "Les adaptations physiques et comportementales"- You will have time in class (by Friday) to finish  the answers to questions of the related article. (also pdf here)


Week of Oct 07-11

The diversity and survival of living things: 

  • Why do living things change over time?


  • Project  Sur Un Habitat que tu choisis-   Project due dated will be the last week of OCTOBER. 


This week due in class: Your research on Habitat; the animal from the Habitat (6s 1 animal , 7s research on 2 animals)

Your research needs to include the details similar to the one we studied in class "le desert" . 


  • This week we'll work on Adaptation and you'll start work on partie # 2 & 3  of the project. 

  • ​

  • DUE on Friday Oct 11th: Answers on the back of handout #3 (adaptation) + 

  • Part 2 [Desription of the the animal you'll present in your project- in your 1-2 paragraphs, you should use the vocabulary of part 2 (here on pdf- we'll work on it in class this wk).

  • You should  finish in class at least 30 of your research on Part 3 (adaptation)s 




 ( you can finish your work in class during the 4 blocks of SN- If you need extra time come to the success club )

Weeks of Sep 30-Oct 04

 The diversity and survival of living things: 

  • Why do living things change over time?


  • Project  Sur Un Habitat que tu choisis-   Project due dated will be the last week of OCTOBER. 

  • If you have not submitted  the answer to Part 1 (Description de l"habitat + evaluation sheet ) - Final date is this Friday, Oct 4th


  • This week we'll work on Décrire un Animal and you'll start work on partie #1 of the project. 

  • ​

  • DUE on Friday Oct 4th: Part 2 [Desription of the the animal you'll present in your project- in your 1-2 paragraphs, you should use the vocabulary of part 2 (here on pdf- we'll work on it in class this wk).

  • [check this website as a resource]


 ( you can finish your work in class during the 4 blocks of SN- If you need extra time come to the success club )

Weeks of June 3-14


Biology [ Anatomy and function of different parts of the reproductive system in Humans]

Assessment: Friday, June 14th


May 27-Aug 31

Finishing the Chapter of Chemistry


* Study block using Guide D'étude

* End of Unit Test

* Scientific Experiment (Separating solutions)

May 13-24 th 

Chemistry: Les matières ; les mélanges (Concentration- how to calculate it- les solvants, Different techniques of separating mixtures using various techniques)


* Homework for TUE May 21 (For both divisions 18 & 19) 

Separating Mixtures:

(website to use for research before the first class for this topic)​


* Research in class.


* Quiz on Le vocabulaires et les concepts de Chimie




La Filtration


La Distillation



La Décantation



May 6-10th 

Chemistry: Les matières ; les mélanges (les hétérogènes- homogènes /les solutions(les solvants…)

* Science Experiment

* Research in class.

* Quiz day 2 of SN



**Marked test the unit of Newton's Laws sent home. Show them to parents/guardians for signature. 


April 23-May3rd 

Chemistry: Les matières ; les mélanges (les hétérogènes- homogènes /les solutions(les solvants…)ère%20-%20Les%20substances%202.pdf




Homework for April 29 :

2-3 paragraphs (what did you learn from the book you borrowed at the library- on the topic of Chemistry)/ the website from the resource section. 

April 15-19 
  • Newton’s three laws of motion describe the relationship between force and motion
  • Study Guide &  Unit Test 
April 8-12 
  • Révision on: Newton’s three laws of motion describe the relationship between force and motion.
  • Reading activity #2 due
  • Quiz 
  • In-class, pair/group scientific experiments on Newton's Laws
April 1-5 
March 11-15
  • Presentations of Extreme Environment- Show evaluation sheets to parents/Guardians on Thursday
  • Videos on Space/the Milky Way/Extreme environments
March 1- 4
*Presentations of Extreme Environment
*visit of Space Centre


February 25- March 1
Part 3:  the enquiry project: Les Frontière Extrême
The answers to the 2 questions of Catégorie 3 [on your Note Taking Sheet]
Due on Friday, March 1st: 
* The answers to 3rd part of the research project [ contribution of Canadian Scientists & technology in the lives of Indigenous people- Find more resources under Home tab/Resources]
* Your presentation [ power point/ poster, etc- how you'll present your findings to the class next week.
*Your prototype/model of the technology you're going to present to scientists in exploring the Extreme environment of your interest. 
February 11-15
Part 2:  the enquiry project: Les Frontière Extrême
The answers to the 3 questions of Catégorie 2 [on your Note Taking Sheet]
**Due to the Snow Day & Field trip - there will be extension for submitting the questions to Catégorie 2. TBA in class. ***


*This week your research is on "Technologies utilisées dans l’exploration de la frontière extrême choisie"



* You'll  start creating your model of the technology that will help scientists explore the extreme environment you researched. 


* You should start thinking about how you are going to present your answers to the research questions of the 3 Categories (Slides, Poster,...)


**Remember: Resources are included in the Project guideline (pdf); also, under the Home Tab; Resources;

Science. Success Club is open to help you with your questions, everyday, 8-8:30 a.m. & 3-3.30 pm.




February 4-8th


Start work in class (in groups of 2-3) on Part 1:  the enquiry project: Les Frontière Extrême


Due on Friday, 8th : The summary of the research of your group for 3 questions of Catégorie 1: Obstacles qui nuisent à l’exploration de la frontière extrême choisie + your note taking sheet for this part  (last pdf below)


Due on Friday, 8th : Student Rubric: Concept Generation and Designing (page 2 of pdf attached- you’ll receive a paper copy in class)

For Your Information; here’s, also, Teacher Evaluation Rubric (pdf ) 


**Remember: Resources are included in the Project guideline (pdf); also, under the Home Tab; Resources;

Science. Success Club is open to help you with your questions, everyday, 8-8:30 a.m. & 3-3.30 pm.



Tue, Jan 29th- Fri Feb 1st
* L'environment Extrême
*Homework due Monday, Feb 4th: 
**Pdf file ( n'oublie pas tu vas écrire les réponses en français)
* Under Home Tab/ resources/ you can find more interactive websites. 
* Homework Due Tue, Feb 5th(for Div 19)
**Choisis 1 des choses que nos corps a besoin pour survivre (les détails
sur les diapos- pdf). Tu vas illustrer en utilisant un dessin/une chanson/...
pourquoi nos corps doit recevoir cette chose (L'aire, La Nourriture, etc). 

**** Marked paper of French returned this week. Students should share their learning/marks with parents/guradians. 

Some resources to learn more....


Exploring Extreme Environments 


Life in Extreme Environments

Mercredi le 23 janvier (Div 18) & vendredi le 25 (Div 19)


  • In class study time to prepare for the test ( Space- Universe) 

  • Test

  • Kahoot (revision on Space- planets)


Lundi Le 21 et mardi le 22, janvier


*Deux Jeux d’Astronomie

*Block de révision pour le test de l'espace(avec le guide d'étude)


       *Réviser pour le test de l'espace/l'universe [Div 19- Vendredi le 25]

        [Div 19- mercredi le 24]

        * Show marked assignment of last week to parents/guardians. 




Week of Jan 14-18,19



Test on Planets Fri 25th- study guide/block next Tue in class.


(Home work for Tuesday Jan 15th - if not finished in class last week- to read 1 article they received about a planet, and to summarize key information as bullet points on the big white sheet the got in class. Also, to draw their planet & color it.


Tuesday, Jan 15th:


  • Students submitted their summary of the article on one Planet & took note from their partners who had worked on other articles.

  • Div 19-Homework for Fri Jan 18th: Complete both sides of their White Sheet. Grade 6 reads about 2 other planets and write summary on their white sheet; Grade 7 reads about 3 other planets for summary [ total: Gr.6= 3 articles; Gr 7 4 articles] of their choice.


Wed, Jan 16th:

  • Div 18: HW for Mon 21st: read the articles about other planets (Gr.6 chose 2 other planents; Gr. 7 3).Summarize the article; Draw/color

  • Div 18- finished in-class short research/organize info activity on classifying planets.


Fri: Jan 18th.

  • Div 19 - received some mark assignments of SN. HW is to read their SN articles on Planets (3 for gr.6, and 4 articles gr.7 total); to summarize key points of the article, draw the planet and color it- Due next Tue (some Ss finished in class).

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